January 23, 2023

Dear supporters,

I’m sure that you have all heard that the crisis in Haiti has escalated to a new high in the past weeks with the country having no democratic elected officials in any government capacity since January 9th. Almost 200 gangs control most areas in Haiti, making it seemingly impossible for the transportation of goods and people across the country. These gangs wreak death and destruction as the country spirals into famine.  The picture is very bleak and sad indeed, but take heart as you have made a very tangible difference in the lives of many children and families in 2022 through your very generous donations with COHH.


  •  100 lbs of meat totalling $516 US  was purchased for 4 leaders who shared it with their communities. This one- time gift which was appreciated.
  • Amos, a high school graduate, went to the Dominican Republic for work and needed a new laptop for on-line customer service. He was very thankful for the $175 received. 
  • Kerry Sylne  was in the education sponsorship and also received a scholarship for higher education.  He asked us for help to feed his mother and siblings, as his father, a blind leader, passed away in 2021. We were able to give this family a gift of $230. 


  •  $5,000 US sent for the education of the children at the home.
  •  $3,800 US sent for the education funds for the children in the northern part of Haiti. (A note was distributed to all the families that this will be the last year we will provide education funds).
  •  $2,700 US sent  for the education funds for the children in the southern part of Haiti. (A note was distributed to all the families that this will be the last year we will provide education funds).
  • MAEDH, (aid mission for disadvantaged and disabled)  received $1,000 US to assist with schooling and food for the 15 special needs boys living there.


  •  $3,000 was sent to help with Haiti relief,  for the many people that come to Phyllis daily for food and assistance.
  •  A total of $800 US was sent to pay for tests, surgery, medication and transportation for  Daphney, one of the girls that used to be in the children’s home. She had a possible malignant, large growth that had to be removed.


  • A main leader  received $1,000 US for help with his community.
  • MAEDH also received another $1,000 US for Christmas food and needs with the 15 boys.

Rice Appeal Update

A massive thank you goes to everyone who donated in response to our Rice Appeal in December.  So many of you responded and because of your generosity to this plight, we have received $29,412 CAD to date and counting!

Phyllis had desired to purchase 5,000 bags of rice, but because of the huge food shortage, the  rice supplier was only able to sell her 4,000 bags which cost $84,000 US.  On January 12th, we paid $22,000USD ($27,000CAD) on her account, directly to the supplier.   Another supporting group in Florida paid $56,000USD.  So, she has an outstanding balance of $6,000USD still  left to be paid off.

We are so thankful that all of the rice has been distributed safely. The 4 main leaders arranged for 4 trucks and drivers to pick up the rice from the supplier. They had to divert from the main roads which are patrolled by gangs, to travel long distances through back roads to reach their drop off destinations.  There, the leaders had the people meet to pick up their share of rice. Phyllis confirmed with us that everyone received all 4,000 bags without any mishaps. She is very grateful for this gift of rice and support and below is her personal note of thanks to you all.

St. Ard, Haiti

 To some Dear,  Wonderful Loved Ones, 

 Sponsors of Children of Hope Haiti, Mrs. Karen Goodyear – Founder

We give thanks always to God for you. How you have blessed us, words can never tell.

How we wish there was a personal way by which you could all share the expressions of gratitude and love from those who have been blessed by your outpouring.

May you feel honored, loved, precious and blessed. Please know that our thanks comes from the depths of our beings.

May the Lord continue to bless you more than you can think or ask.

Praise the Lord, we received of His hands many wonderful gifts, and all without incident.

We Love You !

Sis Phyllis & Haiti


I was so pleased to speak with a number of you over the past 2 months and hope to connect with more soon. Our website will be updated by March to reflect the current goals of our program. If you have any questions whatsoever,  please call or email me.  On behalf of the board at COHH, we would like to thank you all for your prayers and support, entrusting us to wisely steward your donations. Know that you have given hope to so many people in Haiti and may we  together strive to touch even more this year.


With gratitude,

Sharon Singh

Executive Director

Click HERE to download the COHH 2022 Annual Report

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