Dear supporters,

It has now been one year since I’ve joined COHH and would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for your encouragement and steadfast support in continuing our mission to Haiti. I enjoyed speaking with many of you during this time and hearing of your experiences and connections of Haiti and with COHH.

We are very thankful that Sis Phyllis and the children at the home are doing well under the current circumstances , as the continuing dire situations of gang violence and hunger is rampant, and now cholera is prevalent in the Saintard area.

The rice that COHH helped to buy this summer has finished after careful rationing and we are asking for your support to purchase more. Below is a note from Sis Phyllis as she explains their need much more than I can.

“Proverbs 19:17 He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord, and that which he has given will He pay him again”  

I sat with pen and paper, trying to find words to express our gratitude and love, and our prayers for God’s richest blessings on you all, I got these two recipes:

1.) Dirt, water and a little salt
2.) A little rice, water and salt

Your love and caring makes No. 2 (Rice Soup) possible. Thank you from the depths of our hearts for the rice gift!

Our Comfort -”My Heavenly Father watches over me”
Our Rejoicing: “Bless the Lord oh My Soul” Ps. 103:1-2

Sis Phyllis

As you can see, there is great need across Haiti. We would like you to join us in giving them the gift of rice and making a difference in thousands of lives.

May you and your families have a Happy and Blessed Christmas,

Sharon Singh – Executive Director

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