Dear Supporters,
COHH is very thankful for each one of you who have given in 2023. With your tremendous support we were able to do the following:
- $27,278 – Paid directly to Bongu Supermarket, the rice supplier in Port au Prince, to help with the cost of 4,000 bags of rice Sister Phyllis ordered. The balance of the credit debt was paid by another ministry in Florida that supports Sister Phyllis.
- $4,225 – Support the children at the Saintard home
- $1,425 – To MAEDH for the 9 disabled boys/youth to assist with food and their school
- $20,140 – Sent to Bongu to help pay for another rice order of 2,000 bags
- $1,373 – To MAEDH for food and to start digging a new well for clean drinking water
- $ 148 – Sent to Amos (from the home) who now lives in the DR and needed help with rent as he was laid off from work
- $1,453 – MAEDH for cementing of well and food
- 1,998 – Sister Phyllis ministry and Christmas food etc. for the children
- $1,094 – MAEDH – To purchase a well pump, Christmas food and necessities
Haiti Update
- There are 42 children at the home in Saintard. All were able to attend school in 2023 as the gangs did not control those locations. Sister Phyllis took sick in the summer with a severe infection that left her very weak for a long time, but thankfully she is fully recovered. We wished to bring her to Canada for a few weeks to rest and rejuvenate, however, because of the violence and great unrest she didn’t want to leave the children at that time. Thousands were given 5 lbs bags of rice distributed at the compound and communities across Haiti. On Christmas Eve she was able to feed at least 600 people with rice, very thin slices of spam, canned chicken, lettuce and tomatoes. She said people were hungry, some had not had a meal for days. Many people have died of starvation in 2023 as millions are suffering from hunger.
- There is a continued surge of gang violence in Haiti with 2,500 kidnappings and 4,700 killings in 2023. Gangs block aid from getting through with food and medicine. They have taken over villages and people fled into tent abodes. Over 300,000 have been displaced. Some families even came to the orphanage for shelter. Women and girls face high levels of sexual violence. Gangs continue to blockade the main highway to the home, which makes it very difficult for rice to be delivered directly to Saintard. It has to be diverted off the highway, off-loaded from trucks onto boats and back on trucks further up away from gangs, finally delivered at a safe time to the home. There was also a cholera outbreak in Saintard with many people being treated and staying outdoors at the hospital on the compound.
Local Update
- A presentation on the current situation in Haiti and on both orphanages through pictures/videos/info were done at Fairview, First Church, Planting Community and Townsend Churches of God as well as at York Memorial Presbyterian Church in Toronto. The presentations were well received, so if you’d like one done at your church please connect with me.
- Planting Community Church held their annual 6 km Walk-a -thon for Haiti which raised $4,145. Two of our COHH board members participated.
- Our website has been updated
- We had 35 new donors
Upcoming Events
- A possible fundraising event this May
- We are looking into sending a pallet of canned foods to Haiti from Florida
Here is an excerpt of a message from Sister Phyllis “ …In Haiti, where joy can sometimes be scarce, it is heartening to see it flourish in the areas we serve. Why is this joy possible? Because of what we can share with them, all thanks to the support from people like you. Despite the challenges, our churches are thriving and becoming beacons of hope. In these moments of challenge, we’re reminded of the enduring presence and strength of God’s love. It is through His guidance and grace that our community has been able to extend a hand to those in need. We continue to lean on God, trusting in His plan to uplift and sustain those around us. Together, with God’s help, we are not just giving aid; we are sharing His love, bringing light and warmth to the hearts of many. Thank you for caring. Thank you for praying!”
On behalf of the board at COHH, we thank you for giving us the means to share Love and Hope to those desperately in need of it. God bless you and your families in 2024!
In His service,
Sharon Singh, Executive Director

To send donations:
Cheques: Made payable to Children of Hope Haiti
Mail to Sharon Singh 42 Hearst Circle, Toronto, Ontario M6M 2T7
E-transfer: In the Contact’s Name Box type Children of Hope Haiti
Add for the Contact’s Name Email Address
Credit Card: Accepted through the website under Donate
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