January 18. 2021


Dear Friends,

This year has been difficult for everyone. When I think about what’s happening here in Canada and globally, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Haiti has also experienced extreme poverty financially. In August 120 gourdes = 1 US dollar and in November 65 gourdes = 1 US dollar. Everything was doubled the price and the supply of fuel, propane, food, produce and rice did not go down. The rioting continued and the pandemic was added to the equation making it very difficult for families to survive without fear. Businesses and schools were closed. I am happy to report that the number of cases of COVID-19 are not as high as expected and we thank God for that. Schools opened up in October.

Even though no teams were able to travel to Haiti during 2020, our programs continued for the children and families we have been encouraging and supporting over the years.

Monthly Sponsorship – In June notes went out to the 11 families stating that we will no longer be providing monthly support. We were happy to report that we will be providing school fees (Sept 2020 – June 2021) for these children.

Education Only – Due to the gourdes being so low, we increased the amount of school fees for 13 students to help the families.

Jeff Compas Scholarship Fund (JCSF) – We presently have 2 students in the program. I am happy to report that 3 of the girls have completed the program and are awaiting graduation.

Children’s Home – $1,000 US was provided for school uniforms.

MAED – Special needs home in Port au Prince, we provided $500 US for school uniforms (material & seamster) for 15-20 boys.

Haiti Relief – $8,100 US

Programs that have been discontinued this year.
Salary for elementary teachers at Leveque and Gonaives as of April 2020
Salary for computer teachers as of April. Gonaives it was July 2020.

Charitable Status for Children of Hope Haiti IT IS OFFICIAL

I am pleased and excited to report that we have officially received charitable status with the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA). Our books with Church of God in Eastern Canada are closed and we are in the process of changing bank accounts and updating our website. I am stepping down as Executive Director and passing on this position to Lucie Jeffers who comes with wonderful knowledge as she is presently working with a non-for-profit charitable organization. I will remain on as member/advisor for the next year or two. More information on Lucie Jeffers and the update on what the new Children of Hope Haiti will look like will be available by the end of the first quarter.

We thank you for your thoughts, prayers and support for the children of Haiti. It has been a very difficult year for the children and their families. Their heart’s desire is for a normal and safe life in their villages. We will continue to pray and work towards that end.

With Sincere Thanks,

Karen Goodyear M.S.M.
Children of Hope Haiti

Click HERE to download the COHH 2020 Annual Report

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