Final Report 2018


We are thankful for the many people and organizations that have supported this program this past year.

Financial needs have been met for all of our projects and we look forward to moving forward with our

2019 plans and projects.



  • Three (3) of our sponsored children graduated from Grade 13 this past June giving us a total of 20 children receiving monthly support. We are expecting nine (9) more children to graduate from Grade 13 this coming June 2019.
  • The five (5) schools we sponsored in 2018 (Leveque, Dauphine, Gonaives, Mahotte & a small school that educates 18 children from a poor orphanage) received a much needed and very much appreciated assortment of school supplies. Additional French readers for Grades 1-3 were carried down as well.


  • This year, additional students were added to the “Education Only” program, giving us a total of 13 children. Another student completed her Grade 13 this past June and has been discharged.
  • Three (3) children and their families from the earthquake in 2010 continue to receive monthly support.
  • A total of 26 laptops were provided. See the March trip report below regarding 15 of these laptops. Additionally, in November, 11 laptops were provided for computer labs (3 to Pont Sonde, 3 to Cabaret, 1 to Gonaives, 2 for the Jeff Compas Scholarship Program and 2 for sponsored students in their last year of high school).
  • Monthly salaries until the end of June 2019 for the 6 teachers at Leveque (previously tent city) and 3 teachers at new school in Gonaives.
  • Monthly salaries for our computer instructors at the 5 computer labs that COHH is supporting.
  • Funds provided for education for the Children’s Home (school) in Saintard 2018 -2019.
  • Additional $1,000 given to the school in Saintard to help students with tuition fees.
  • Monthly internet funds were provided at 3 locations Gonaives, Pont Sonde and Saintard Children’s home.
  • Four (4) young ladies at the Children’s home continue with English as a second language (ESL) using MP3 Players. To be reviewed in Feb 2019.

Haiti Relief

  • Five goats for 5 deserving families.
  • Rice was packed into small individual bags and given out to all of our sponsored children and the special needs children who were at the conference, along with many in the following villages/churches: Gonaives, Saintard, Carbaret, Toma, Mahotte, Dauphine, Leveque and a small orphanage of 18 children.
  • 25 Medical Family Packs were given out to families that do not have access to a drug store for over-the-counter meds and supplies.
  • Crocs were fitted and given to the children in the orphanage and other children from outside needing shoes.
  • Apples (fresh and dehydrated) that the children enjoyed the first evening we arrived in Haiti, during the conference and another evening of fresh apples with popcorn.


Jeff Compas Scholarship Fund (JCSF)

Presently, we have 5 students in this program. Rose Curly Registre has been discharged from the program. Awaiting on reply as to why she is no longer going to school. Two (2) new students joined the program in September, Sagine Charles, starting 1st year of 4 years in nursing and Sendie Delice starting 1st year of 2 years in Computerized Accounting. All the students have informed me that they are doing well and are enjoying their courses.

Post-Secondary Education (separate from the JCSF)

Elson Bien Aime is attending a school in Port Au Prince and is presently taking an intensive English Course. This course runs for 2 years (6 months per year) Sept – Nov and the Jan – Mar.

March Trip

Lorraine and Karen travelled to Haiti. The purpose of the trip was:

  • To interview applicants for the Jeff Compas Scholarship Program (JCSP).
  • To carry down an additional 15 laptops (to complete our requirement of 6 laptops per site), diplomas that were created for the students completing the computer course (Windows, Word & Excel), start up a new community-based computer lab in the village of Cabaret and to provide Terms of Agreement with the supervisor & computer instructors at our 5 community-based labs.
  • To discuss providing monthly salaries for 9 teachers at 2 schools, Leveque & Gonaives.

Karen stayed on an additional 2 weeks with the children while Phyllis Newby travelled to Trinidad.

November Trip

A team of 15 volunteers travelled to Haiti.

  • We hosted our 3rd bi-yearly Children’s Conference with over 100 children in attendance.
  • We interview all the sponsored children within our program. Report cards were seen.
  • This year’s theme “Building your House on a Firm Foundation”. Sessions and devotions were on the bible stories of the theme using power points, videos, songs and very talented drawings.
  • Computer lessons were provided along with a session on the symbol of a tree and putting down strong roots, focusing on the importance of mental and physical health and letting your spirit soar. The importance of nutrition, adequate sleep & exercise were emphasized.
  • The children played games, made crafts i.e. stick houses, Christmas house & ornaments and the making of some yummy muffins for one of their meals.
  • An additional 3 students came from our sponsored schools and 4 young people from MAEDH the special needs home in PAP.
  • These children and youth have such wonderful singing voices. They sing with their hearts.

Unfortunately, we were unable to visit the schools we support due to protests, general strike and many road blocks (especially on Hwy1, the road we travel) throughout Haiti. Therefore, we were forced to stay at the compound for an additional 2 days. More time was spent with the children where an Art Gallery was created to display colouring and cartoon characters that they learned in one of the sessions. Our last day with the road clear north of the compound, we were able to take all of the 47 children to a beach and swimming pool. Some children were at the beach and within 45 mins all of the kids were in the pool, doing back flips, diving and the younger kids so proud of being able to put their faces under water. This was definitely a fun highlight of our trip.

I continue to be amazed and blessed to see how the COHH programs reaches out to more children and youth each year. Your prayers and generous financial support are so greatly appreciated more than you will ever know.

Many Blessings,

Karen Goodyear M.S.M.

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