January 24, 2020

Final Report 2019

Dear Friends,

I am happy to report that the political situation in Haiti has calmed down to allow the population to return to a somewhat normal life. This past fall, some schools in the rural area had remained open during the protests and now all schools have opened their doors as of the beginning of January. Haitian National Police are arresting many gang members who have terrorized their communities during those protest months.  Many individuals are being charged with criminal actives such as armed robbery, theft, firearms, drugs and so on.  On January 12, the Earthquake Memorial Day was recognized to acknowledge all of the people that that lost theire lives in the earthquake 10 years ago.

Even though no teams were able to travel to Haiti during 2019, our programs continued for the children and families we have been encouraging and supporting over the years.

I am very thankful to have had the time with the children at the home in Saintard last September to support Phyllis while she was visiting many families and friends in the States.


Monthly Sponsorship – There have been 9 children in this program that graduated from high school in June 2019 and have now been discharged from the program.  We have 11 students at present and it is anticipated that we will have another 4 students graduating from high school this coming June 2020. The three young earthquake children are in the monthly program as well.

“Education Only students” – 9 Primary and 3 High School students.

Teachers – 6 in Leveque (formerly the tent city) and 3 in Gonaives.

Schools – Dauphine located in the mountains and MAEDH handicap home in Port Au Prince.

Computer Sites – Saintard, Thomas, Cabaret, Pond Sonde and Gonaives.  While I was in Haiti this past September, we had a graduation ceremony acknowledging the 5 youth from the Saintard home that completed the computer course (Windows, Word and Excel).  In Gonaives, another 2 classes of 6 students each have also graduated from the computer course.  

Internet – Pont Sonde, Gonaives and Saintard

Jeff Compas Scholarship Fund (JCSF)

We presently, have 5 students in this program and we are expecting 2 of the students to graduate with either a degree or certificate this coming July.

MAEDH – Handicap home/school in Port Au Price.

The children moved into their new home in January 2019. COHH provided $2,200 for start-up necessities  such as 10 beds with mattresses and bedding, a table and benches, 5 folding chairs, a small refrigerator, a small generator, a stove using charcoal, kitchen supplies and tableware. There are now 12 handicap children in this home. 

The children have started a project at the home making bracelets and sandals.  The are looking for funds for a sewing machine and soles to complete their sandals.

Charitable Status for Children of Hope Haiti.

This past year 2019, COHH has been pursuing charitable status.  In May, COHH was officially incorporated. In September, our lawyers sent our completed application form to the CRA (Canadian Revenue Agency) for charitable status consideration.  In November, we received a letter acknowledging that they have received our application and that they expect to assign our application to an officer within five months of the date we considered our application complete, which was September 27, 2019. Now, we wait to hear back from the CRA. 

We thank you for your continued prayers and support for our programs for the children of Haiti as they have gone through a very difficult year.  With calmness felt now, we are believing for a better year for these children.

Your prayers are being answered thank you, please continue to pray for the children and their families as they so desire to have a normal and safe life in their villages / communities.

With Sincere Thanks,

Karen Goodyear M.S.M

Click HERE to download the COHH 2019 Annual Report


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